

IT experts at your service, for your projects.

From the design and development of your tools to the analysis of your data, we support you to ensure the success of your digital transformation.

our core business

A tailored process offering for each project.

Data has become essential in the industry of the future. Collecting and managing the flow of data are crucial processes to assist businesses in decision-making.

At Preditic, we offer a comprehensive range of solution development services, from initial design to deployment. Our modular platform allows us to support you through all stages of your project, providing the necessary tools for the smooth operation of your industrial activities.

Data collection

Various data sources: Sensors, Technicians, APIs, External IT systems, Internal IT systems...

Hosting and data storage

Setting up and configuring data centers.

Data optimization

Processing received data and developing algorithms.

Data visualization

Designing web interfaces and mobile apps, HMIs, dashboards, administrative tools...

Data analysis

Tailoring data presentation to the client's business needs (charts, etc.).


Real-time monitoring of infrastructures.

Reporting & alerts

Sending alerts via email, SMS, and notifications for effective action.


Using algorithms for prevention and planning.

Proven expertise and solutions

Over 10 years of IT expertise in the industrial field have allowed us to build professional and efficient tools to successfully carry out all our projects.

People at the heart of our projects

At Preditic, we take great pride in providing human-centered support for each project. We work closely with business teams, IT teams, and other company partners to make the best decisions for creating tailored products.

An ever-evolving team of experts.

Comprised of doctors, professors, and engineers, the Preditic team covers a wide range of IT skills. Always at the forefront of technology, our team is dedicated to the success of the developments.

A cutting-edge software environment

Starting from your projects, we design high-performance architectures based on robust software modules and optimized code. We also use advanced data analysis and artificial intelligence technologies.

A tailored offer

In a market predominantly composed of complex data management software, we are convinced that developing an interface tailored to your needs is the best solution for the success of your digital transformation.

Solutions to meet all customer needs

We cover the following sectors of activity

  • Industry
  • Railway
  • Energy
  • Logistics
  • Transportation
  • Aerospace

Successful projects, satisfied customers.

Predictive maintenance and equipment monitoring.

Analysis of data from sensors measuring the insulation of electrical circuits in real time.

Maintenance of the high-speed Tours-Bordeaux line.

Improvement of the availability of the line through the implementation of dedicated applications.

Specialist in high technology welding.

Measurement of deviations between a standard and data from welding operations.

Systems for overhead lines, trains, and trams.

Collection and analysis of data from sensors on catenary tension systems.

They trust us :
